
Immediate margin assessment

Bringing the unseen into focus for a cancer-free tomorrow

From biopsy taking to surgical diagnosis, tissue assessment is a key component to efficient and straightforward cancer treatment. The challenge is to obtain high-resolution results in a timely manner.

The Histolog® Scanner changes the game by bringing cancer cells to the fingertips of clinicians. It is a confocal microscopy device intended for imaging the surface of excised human tissue specimens to visualize morphological microstructures. Easy-to-read images are available immediately, providing decision-making support at the point of care. Start the video to see it in action.

Spot cancer cells when every minute counts

Device intended for qualified healthcare professionals only.


Seamless clinical integration

The Histolog Scanner is a plug-and-play device that sits perfectly in the operating theater or pathology laboratory.


10-sec specimen preparation

Once the specimen is resected, you only need to dip the fresh tissue for 10 sec in a fluorescent dye and rinse it before scanning.


45 sec to acquire an image

Scanning specimens up to 〜17cm² takes less than a minute. Easy-to-read images of the whole surface area are available rapidly to make sure that no cancer cell remains.


Remote workflow in a single tap

You can work remotely with fellow doctors or pathologists thanks to the Histolog Digital Solution, which works towards easy storing and sharing of images.

The Histolog® Scanner

The Histolog Scanner (CE mark since 2018) is a digital microscopy scanner for high-resolution imaging of the surface of fresh tissue. It is based on a novel ultra-fast confocal microscopy technology invented in EPFL in 2010. Its innovative design makes it highly practical for quick assessment on the point-of-care and the clinician is one touch on the screen away from visualizing cancerous cells immediately on a surgical specimen ¹ ⁻ ⁸.

Histolog Scanner for intraoperative margin assessment

The Histolog Dip and Dish

The Histolog Dip (CE-IVD) is a fluorescent histological stain intended to be used as an accessory device in combination with the Histolog Scanner for imaging the surface of excised human tissue specimens to visualize morphological microstructures. It is designed for rapid imaging of fresh tissue, while preserving specimen integrity for future pathological analysis ² ⁻ ⁵.

The Histolog Dish (CE-IVD) is a single-use protection preventing direct contact of the tissue specimen with the Histolog Scanner during imaging.

Histolog Dip and Dish accessories

The Histolog Viewer

The Histolog Viewer is the image management system software intended to be used with the Histolog Scanner. Designed to help you quickly and easily examine specimens morphological structures, this powerful software allows you to access, display, annotate, manage, store, and share digital Histolog Scanner images and metadata. Plus, with advanced capabilities for further analyzing images and marking regions of interest (ROI), the Histolog Viewer takes your capabilities to the next level (ROI management feature for breast).

Histolog Viewer on a desktop computer

Request an e-demo

Experience the Histolog Scanner firsthand and discover how it can transform your workflow.

Proven in prostate, breast and beyond


Histolog Image Training

Only a few hours to learn how to read Histolog images

The Histolog Image Training (HIT) was developed with our community of pathologists and experts to provide a simple and efficient way of getting familiar with Histolog images. Designed for both beginners and experienced morphology content readers, the HIT is accessible to all and allows for flexible learning. You will be ready to interpret morphology images in just a few hours of training.

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